Our Most Valued Services

How many times have you bought a stock on someone's advice to make a quick buck and waited for months, may be years, to just recover your cost? Share trading, experts warn, is a risky game. However, it's possible to play it smartly and make a quick buck as well.The main attraction of trading is that people feel they can make quick money. But there are no free lunches. Trading requires a lot of discipline.

Stock trading is one of the most effective ways of making fast cash and building wealth. It might seem easy but stock trading can be a risky venture especially for those with lack of knowledge and experience.

In order to bridge this gap, we at SRAVN provide the necessary data which helps you take well informed decisions. Our advisory services extend to Equities, Commodities and Foreign Exchange.

Main Features
  • Top of the line Technical Analysis data
  • Stock Recommendations (with targets)
  • Stock Futures & Options
  • Commodity Futures
  • Forex Futures